This is my first Medium story. How’s my writing?

Jason Tuttle
3 min readJul 13, 2021
Photo by Markus Winkler on Unsplash

I started writing on Medium today…

Have you ever thought about what it would be like to publish stories on Medium?

I did.

For months and months.

Now I’m finally doing it, and I decided to write my first story on the topic of writing my first story on Medium. I know, I know. Not very clever. But work with me here; it’s my first time.

Here’s why I started writing…

Just off the top of my head, here are the 3 biggest reasons I chose today as my day to start publishing (not just writing) stories:

  1. I’ve spent way too much time jotting down ideas for stories and headlines that seem catchy.
  2. I’ve spent way too much time doing research on how I should format my stories and what organizational structure I should follow.
  3. I’ve spent way too much time thinking about how often I should write and how often I should publish.

What I haven’t spent way too much time doing is actually writing. Writing stories. Full stories. Finished stories. Published stories.

Well, that all ends now. This is the day that I’ve committed to writing (and publishing) consistently. This is the day that I take all of the ideas I’ve had and turn them into something useful. Something that may just help someone else. Something far more than just a few words in the “drafts” section of my Medium account.

Here’s who I am…

My name is Jason and I’m a 39 year-old stay-at-home dad. My wife and I just had a baby boy and I couldn’t be happier to be home with my little guy every day.

I’ve been an engineer and a salesman and an entrepreneur and I never thought I would write anything that would be published on the internet. But here I am.

Here’s why I am here…

When my son was born and my wife and I decided that it made sense for me to shut down my business and stay home with him, I realized that it was finally time to take up writing with all of the “spare time” I’d have on my hands…

Yes, that’s a joke.

However, my little guy is a great napper and that allows me some free time during the day to type a few words here and there.

The truth is; I have spent my entire life as a self-help nerd and I’m hoping that some of the information I’ve gathered over my 39 years can be helpful to someone else. Maybe even you.

Who knows. There may be something, someday that I post that helps you in some little way with your day, your life, your relationship, your career, etc. If that happens, I’ll be happy and I will have accomplished something amazing in my little world.

Thank you for reading. See you next time!



Jason Tuttle

A curious guy, sharing what I've learned about being strong, healthy, happy and productive.